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英文名称:Household ministry ning version of the qing dynasty copper COINS when making money ten text




此钱币品相完美,钱币正面珠圈内钤有“大清铜币”四字,币心凸起处能看出有一阴刻甯字,乃是古城的简称,在河北一带,仅限在甯城内使用,因此极为稀少;珠圈外上环满文,满文左右有干支纪年“丁未”字样,左右分列“户部”二字,注明由此币的发行部门;下环覆满包浆,但仍可看出其币值“当制钱十文”字样。 钱币背面中央为部颁大清龙图案,表现出了当时的国际政治、经济、文化的交融,极具历史意义。 是集收藏与投资于一身的难能可贵的精品!

此钱币为“甯”字版户部大清铜币。钱币背面中央为蟠龙,上端为英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。龙纹栩栩如生,中国龙被视为神物予以崇拜。“龙图是中国人的图腾,中国历代的君皇及皇族子孙被称为龙子,龙孙。龙的形象在皇室用品上被专有使用。据史书记载早在汉武帝时期的“白金三品",就铸有“龙〃的图形;其后的宋元明代,已有少部分流通币上铸有龙纹。特别是在历代花钱上,龙的图形则更多。清代未期光绪、宣统年间,官铸的金、银、铜元,其背面更是大多铸有龙图。据不完全统计,清代银币上的“龙"币图案约有近千种版别。这些龙更是千变万化,这枚钱币为坐龙,周边吉祥云,给人腾云驾雾,君临天下之感,古代只有皇室能自称为真龙天子,龙也象征着君王。



英文翻译:In 1907, the ministry of Household qing Copper COINS should be made into ten COINS

The casting of copper COINS in the Qing Dynasty began in 1900, that is, in the 26th year of the Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. However, due to the unrestraint in the casting of copper COINS in all provinces, in 1905, that is, in the 31st year of the Reign of Emperor Guangxu, the ministry of Housing coinage factory set up by the Qing government in Tianjin began to cast the new type of copper COINS, "Qing copper COINS". The main purpose is to rectify and unify the currency system, trying to nationalize coinage rights and strengthen control.

Casting began in 1900 (guangxu 26 years of the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (Xuantong 3 years), circulation time is relatively short. Because of its elegant layout design, fine carving, and rare in the world, the Guangxu Copper COINS of the Qing Dynasty were honored as one of the ten most prestigious COINS in modern China.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hubu Ningzi version of qing copper COINS when making money ten text

Household Ministry Ning version of the Qing Dynasty copper COINS when making money ten text

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

It is a perfect coin with "Qing Copper coin" on the front ring and a Yin Inscription on the convex part of the coin heart. It is the abbreviation of the ancient city. In Hebei, it is only used in Ningcheng, so it is very rare. The outer ring of the pearl ring is manchu, manchu around the gan Zhi Ji year "C wu", the left and right of the "household department", indicating the issuing department of the currency; The lower ring is covered with pulp, but you can still see its value "when making money ten words". On the back of the coin, the ministry issued the dragon design of the Qing Dynasty in the center, showing the integration of international politics, economy and culture at that time, which is of great historical significance. Is a collection and investment in a valuable boutique!

This coin is "Ning" version of the household department of the qing copper COINS。 Coin back center is flat dragon, upper end is English "Tai-ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin" words (Qing Empire Copper Coin)。 The dragon pattern is so vivid that the Chinese dragon is worshipped as a god。 "The Dragon Chart is a totem of the Chinese people。 The emperors and their descendants in the past dynasties were called dragon sons and Dragon sons。 The image of the dragon was used exclusively for royal use。 According to historical records, as early as in the Period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, "Platinum three products ", there is" dragon "cast graphics; Later in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, a small number of circulating COINS were cast with dragon patterns。

Especially in the past on the money, dragon figures are more。 During the reign of Emperor Guangxu and Emperor Xuantong in the qing Dynasty, most of the gold, silver and copper COINS cast by the emperor guan had dragon figures on the back。 According to incomplete statistics, there are about a thousand patterns of dragon COINS on the qing dynasty silver COINS。 These dragons come in all shapes and forms。 This coin is named "Sitting Dragon", with auspicious clouds around it, giving people the feeling that they are sovereign of the world。 In ancient times, only the royal family could call themselves the real dragon and the son of Heaven。

Special fire dragon version: fire dragon can be seen on the back as the same as the mountain, fire dragon is very rare in COINS, generally water dragon will be seen, up and down for thousands of years, the dragon has permeated all aspects of Chinese society, become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation。 The dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation, the symbol of Chinese culture。 For every Chinese descendant, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a kind of mood, a kind of emotion connected by flesh and blood。

"Descendants of the Dragon", "Descendants of the Dragon" these titles, often make us excited, vigorous, proud。 Dragon coin collector in China, very like, because of folklore, "qing coppers" on the back of the dragon can increase a person's fate, the time on the dragon under the protection of gas,, and avoid the coin is in perfect, patina natural and downy light, is rare rare coin, the history of great research value and economic value for collection。

Said to the coin of history, is recognized by the developed jade, jade before no coin is used to do the deal, and the ancients of that day was round ground is square, so make the outside circle within a circle of jade to day, this coin roundness neat, ning words in convex form with circular hole, and there was a dragon blessing, both historical research value, can also be evil evil, to be safe, is a rare coin collection level.